Thursday, August 23, 2007


b. Material :
Green peanut ( Phaseolus radiatus, L ) = 100 gr
Tapak liman leaf ( Elephantopus scaber, L ) = 30 gr
Banana bydm soriyt ( Musa paradisiaca) = 50 gr
Palm sugar ( Arenga pinnata, Merr) = 20 gr

Way of making :
Tread liman leaf and banana bydm soriyt is braised with 2 water litre, and let so remains 1 litre
Bean is braised doesn't too ripe, given palm sugar and add a few salts

Way of using :
Decoction waters of Tapak liman leaf and banana bydm soriyt is drinked 3 times in one day
Decoction of Green peanut is eaten 2 times in one day

Green peanut ( Phaseolus radiatus, L )

Banana's bydm soriyt ( Musa paradisiaca)

Wednesday, August 22, 2007


B. Less blood

a. Leukemia

Less blood disease ( Leukemia) do not mean the lessen of blood amounts to patient body, but its( caused by growth of white corpuscle cells exceeding boundary, or the lessen of ferrum in blood ( Hb )

b. Anemia
This disease ( Anemia ) caused by the lessen of blood of the patient body, hemorrhagic effect, bodily injury or by some chronic disease.

Some ways to heal anemia disease:

a. Material :
Thorn spinach leaf ( Amarantus spinosus,L ) = 10 gr
Tapak liman leaf ( Elephantopus scaber, L ) = 5 gr
Asam kawak ( Tamarindes indica, L) = 2 gr
Kampong chicken egg yolk = 2 item
Pure honey = 1 tablespoon

Way of making :
Thorn spinach leaf and tread liman boxed to be smooth, then is given boiled water counted 2 cup
Egg yolk, asam kawak and honey packed into cup containing spinach leaf and tapak liman leaf , then is swirled until flattening.

Way of using :
Drink morning and evening, during 7 day successively

Thorn spinach leaf ( Amarantus spinosus, L )

Tapak liman leaf ( E lephantopus scaber, L )

Asam kawak ( Tamarindes indica, L)


b. Material :
Mengkudu ( Morinda cirifolia, L ) = 2 fruit
Cucumber ( Cucumis sativus, L) = 1 fruit
Palm sugar ( Arenga oinnata, Merr ) = sufficiently

Way of making :
seed exhaust mengkudu , then boxed with cucumber and filters the water
mix with palm sugar and hot water

Way of using :
Drink 2 times a day morning and evening

( Morinda cirifolia, L )

( Cucumis sativus, L)

( Palm sugar )


Following is way of making drugs tradisionaldari the crop around us :

A. High blood pressure
High blood pressure these days many groaning all people. This very is dangerous disease, because every time can harm patient. The symptom are feel headache, confuse, heart palpitating, blur, insomnia and part of waist always felt pain. If you feels these problems, you must cure it is swiftly. There are some ways to cure it

a. Material :
Turmeric ( curcuma domestica Val ) = 100 gr
Marrow ( Lagenaria siceraria) = 50 gr
Belimbing wuluh ( Averhoa bilimbi, L) = 50 gr

Way of making ;
All material is braised with water counted 1 litre, then let remains only ½ litre only

Way of using :
Drink 3 times a day, one cup each

curcuma domestica, L

Averhoa bilimbi, L

Lagenaria siceraria

Friday, August 17, 2007


Since my mother got sicks because she consumed chemical or synthetic medicines, i tried to find the best medication to her. And i notice that herbal and natural medicines can help to cure illness without side effect.

Maybe you don't notice that every day our body have been poisoning by dangerous substances like drugs, medicines, alkohol, tobacoo and the others.

This substances if heaped up in our body can give bad side effect such as weak, cold, hadache, nausea, swelling, depression and many.

Naturally, everyday our body have tried to neutrilized that dangerous sustances, but if that substance amount of big scale our body can throw away all that dangerous substances.

Use herbal as an alternative medicine to cure our ilness give more advantage rather if consume modern medicines, because herbal medicines have less or no side effects, because it made from natural substance which we consumed everyday and maybe come from around us.